Does Grout Cleaning Work?

Yes, Grout Cleaning Works

When you get new tiles installed, they are held in place with “grout.” Now, what is this grout, you ask? Grout is a highly porous material used as glue to hold your tiles in place. While it’s great that your tiles stay put, the downside is grout’s high porosity. You could say that grout acts like a sponge, only it absorbs dust, dirt, grime, and debris from its surroundings.  This often leads to grout stains which can affect the appearance of your tiles.

grout cleaning works

To get rid of the stains, grout cleaning is a must. But many people are concerned about whether or not grout cleaning works. Well, to answer that, if you clean your grout properly, grout cleaning works. Here are some of the best ways for grout cleaning:

Use DIY Cleaners

Rather than using harsh chemicals to clean grout, we suggest that you opt for DIY cleaners. It’s very easy to make grout cleaners with a bunch of supplies that are already sitting in your home.

Your best bet would be to use a mixture of warm water and dishwashing liquid. The mixture is effective in keeping grout clean and maintaining the appearance of your tiles. Additionally, you can also use a mixture of water and vinegar, but be sure to keep it diluted. A strong vinegar solution will end up damaging grout.

Use Steam

Steam is by far the most effective method of cleaning grout. When there’s soap residue along with dirt and dust left behind, it is not easy to get them out. The best way to clean your grout in such a condition is by using steam. Steam will loosen up any residual matter, and you can easily wipe it clean.

Get Your Grout Sealed

Grout sealing is the best way to prevent stains on grout. It makes grout cleaning easier and ensures that your tiles maintain their aesthetic appeal. There are several ways for grout sealing. You can seal your grout yourself, but we recommend seeking professional help in this case for better results.

Professional Cleaning is the best Solution

If all else fails to work, seek professional help. There are many companies out there that offer grout cleaning services. Hiring professional help will give you the best results because they know their way around things. Call Dirty Grout for a free consultation and find out how affordable it is to have your tile cleaned professionally. We have all sorts of grout-related services, including grout cleaning.

Our Final Thoughts

Grout stains are inevitable, and that’s why grout cleaning is important. Grout cleaning is a huge chore, but it must be done. Follow our tips for grout cleaning and seek professional help when needed to get the best results.